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Modern Ship Model Making Factory

Ship model and all kinds of engineering machinery model making Mori wood Mayflower model is a dedicated to the production of ship model of craftsmanship ship model manufacturer, has 32 years of ship model manufacturing history, for the major shipyards to produce countless display ship model, the future will also be the spirit of craftsmanship to treat the ship model business. Please contact us by phone if you need any help!

Hotline: 13127032803 Enquire Now

Product Details

Ship model and all kinds of engineering machinery model making

Morioka Mayflower Models is an artisan boat model manufacturer dedicated to boat modeling, with 32 years of boat modeling history, countless display boats for major shipyards, and will treat the boat modeling business with the same spirit of craftsmanship in the future. Please contact us by phone if you need any help!
